How to Add/Remove a Property file to Favorites Watch the video tutorial below or scroll down to read the article: ...
Property Profile Report- this is comprehensive report that you can automatically create within a specific property file that includes all the specifics about the property file. When in a Property File...
Maintenance Overview The Maintenance tool is an area for you to keep all of the contact information for the Utility companies all in one area. This includes Utilities such as Gas, Electric, and Water...
Short Sale Overview Are you looking to do a Short Sale? If so, within a Property file you will find the Short Sale feature. This feature will help you keep all the information needed in one section fo...
Properties- Uploading Property Photos/ Video Within a property file you are able to upload photos as well as a video. The photos will appear in multiple areas. Once photos are uploaded they will app...
Properties- Expenses The expense generator will allow you to track all expenses for your properties. To access Expenses: From within a property file click on Expenses in the MANAGE section on the le...
Properties- Source, Type, Stage, and Status Overview Found in the header of a property file these 4 fields are searchable in the list view of websites and provide valuable information that can easily ...
Properties- Creating a Task in a Property File Once you are in the Property file: 1. Click on Task under ‘Create New’ or ‘Tasks’ under the Manage section on the left hand side of your screen. If yo...
Properties Overview/ Add new The Properties section within your Deal Automator account is used to help identify the properties that you are working with, find vital information for each property, and...
How to Add a Property to the Scrum Board Watch the video tutorial below or scroll down to read the article: ...