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Create a Mobile Campaign

1. Select 'Mobile Marketing' from the LEADFLOW menu in the left navigation tool bar

2. Click on the 'Campaigns' tab, then Click 'ADD CAMPAIGN'

3. Complete the details to create a campaign

Campaign Name = this is the name of the campaign.  

Description = this is a description as a reminder of the details of the campaign

Keyword = The word that is texted to begin the campaign

Tag = This is a tag that would be added to the Contact file that is created when the keyword is texted.  This is optional.

New Subscriber Reply: This is the reply that is sent when the Keyword is texted

**Push 'SAVE' once you're done**

A Mobile campaign can be a single step or you can add multiple steps.  Steps can include:

'Action Based Replies':  An 'Action Based' response is when the recipient responds to your initial with another Keyword.  Your campaign will start with a keyword, but you can have subsequent replies with different keywords.

AutoResponders: This is a reply back after a designated amount of time.  ie. 3 days after the initial text, you would like to have a Reply sent.  Autoresponders can be SMS/Text messages or Voice Messages

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
