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Verifying your Email Address

You will need to verify your email address in order to send emails from your account. 

Below are the steps to complete this process.

1. Click on your Profile (Name) in the upper right hand corner and click on 'SETTINGS'

2. Click 'EMAIL SETTINGS' from the Left Navigation tool bar 

3. Click 'ADD'  in the Top section titled 'Verified Sending Emails' , enter your email address & click 'SAVE'

4. You will be sent an email from  Click on the button labeled 'VERIFY EMAIL ADDRESS'

* Please Note: If you do not see this in your 'Inbox' be sure to check your Spam folder. 

5. Once successfully verified, you will receive a confirmation 

6. This will also show verified in the 'EMAIL SETTINGS'  in the Left Navigation tool bar of your Profile

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  1. Josh Tobias

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
