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1 Page Deal Analyzer- Setting your Defaults

Within the 1 Page Deal Analyzer you will find all the defaults that are typical on most investment deals. These can also be customized to cater to the types of deals that your business specializes in.  Within the Deal Analyzer you are able to set defaults to speed up the process of analyzing a deal.
  **Once your defaults have been saved they will appear in every analysis you create moving forward.  
  **You are always able to change your defaults, edit them in a specific analysis and restore the defaults.

  Setting Up Your Defaults:
  There are 2 ways to access the defaults for the 1 Page Deal Analyzer:

1.  In the drop down menu for Analyze in the Side Navigation select Deal Analyzer.

2.  From within a Property file, under the Analyze section on the left hand side of your screen

3. Once in the Deal Analyzer section, click on the Edit Defaults button

4.  Next fill out the fields you would like to set defaults for

7.  Once your defaults have been entered click on ‘Overwrite Defaults’ at the bottom of the defaults.

**These defaults will now show in any new analysis that is created

Restoring the 1 Page Deal Analyzer Defaults
     1. Once in the 1 Page Deal Analzyer Defaults tab, to restore the default factory settings click on ‘Restore Defaults’ on the bottom of defaults

Choose files or drag and drop files
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