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Importance of Marketing to Agents/Realtors

   If you were to ask any seasoned and successful real estate business owner what their most valued asset is, they would certainly say it's their time. As an entrepreneur, you've got to find ways to continue to get a higher and higher Return on Investment of Your Time (ROIT).

   The second most valued asset would undoubtedly be their email list, and we recommend that you also place a high value on building your email list. Collecting a bunch of emails is certainly great, however if you plan on manually emailing back and forth with every single person, that is not a good Return on Investment of Your Time. Automating the follow up for your prospective sellers, buyers, real estate professionals, and any other lead sources is the single most effective and leveraged use of your time in your business that has the greatest opportunity to bring a financial return to your business. You need a system to organize your prospects and then automate the communication with your list. Of course your database inside of Deal Automator is your way to organize your leads and the email auto responder engine is your way to automate your follow up.

   We all know that real estate agents are a great source of leads. However if you were to meet 10 agents in a month, 9 of them would likely be skeptical of working with investors, they wouldn't understand how investors bring them value, or would have a bunch of questions that can bog you down. In order to maintain a high ROIT, you don't want to spend time with each of these 10 agents. Rather, you want to spend time with the 1 who is totally interested and who understands the value that you bring to them. For the other 9 agents, you want to employ the use of "systems leverage" and automation in order to fulfill on the follow up and education process for these agents.

   The agent auto responder email sequence in Deal Automator is one of the most important tools in all of Deal Automator because of the leverage inherent in this marketing tool. Here's why. Networking with agents and then automating the follow up is highly leveraged for the following reasons: 

1.) You're building relationships with Centers of Influence. This means that agents come in contact with multiple people who are your ideal prospects both for sellers and buyers on a regular basis. They're not a single home owner with one house to sell, but rather a center of influence who has regular access to leads. 

2.) You're fully automating your follow up process with these agents by sending 19 emails over 6 months with three clicks of a mouse. You're also fully automating the education process teaching those agents "what's in it for them" by working with you. These 19 professional written emails are designed to touch on all the pain points that agents have, and how you can solve those pains for them. 

3.) Perhaps the most important reason why this is one of the most valuable tools in all of Deal Automator... It's FREE! It's a free marketing strategy that you can use as long as you have an active Deal Automator account.

   Most coaches recommend that you have at least 4-5 marketing strategies in place at any one time. The agent auto responder email sequence should most certainly be one of them that you continuously focus on. Like any marketing strategy, continuous effort is required. You have to continue to meet new agents and put them into your database in order for it to work. But we've found that our Deal Automator users who are focusing on building their network of agents and using this tool are having success.

   We recommend that you set a target number of agents that you want to meet or speak with or connect with online every single week, and commit to hitting your targets. Before you know it, you'll have an educated army of agents out there seeking out unlisted properties that they know you can fix up and then list with them. Good luck!

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